THE PRECIPICE OF TOTAL TV MEASUREMENT: We’ve been talking about need for TV to unify cross-screen measurement for a while now. Nielsen has committed to a full rollout of Total TV Audience Measurement by April’17, and based on the comments of Group M’s Lyle Schwartz, it looks like that’s not a moment too soon. Traditional set top ratings are in a free fall as viewership migrates to content consumption on mobile devices. Clients and agencies are screaming for a standardized way to buy across all platforms. If this transition successfully takes hold before next year’s TV upfronts it will be a game changer for the industry. And it will also become a blue print for the same ratings unification needed in the radio industry. Fasten your seat belts for this one! (link)
THE DEFINITION OF HARD TIME: And finally, here’s a fun article to send you into the weekend. Just when you thought getting a DUI was bad enough, Canada has found a way to add insult to injury . . . Nickelback style! There’s really nothing more to say, so I’ll just let you read for yourselves. J (link)
Have a great Friday (and weekend) guys!