WHAT’S YOUR GRIND?: Instead of my normal format today I’d like to leave you with some inspiration from the one and only Mark Cuban. If you’re a regular viewer of Shark Tank you’ve probably heard him ask the question “what’s your grind?” If show participants don’t know what he’s asking, or even pause in their response, he immediately pulls out of the deal. So do you know what the Grind is? In Mark Cuban’s book it’s a person’s born-with determination to work harder than most other humans could to build something from the ground up. In Mr. Cuban’s case the Grind was sitting in his college dorm for 20 hours a day writing source code for CompuServe, which would eventually be acquired by Yahoo and make Mark Cuban a billionaire. His entire approach to business is an all-out battle to win, so he only does business with others who are hard wired to Grind with that same intensity. That’s why he often asks “what’s your grind?” If you need more background the interview with Mark Cuban in the attached ABC News link is a few years old but perfectly frames out his way of thinking.
After thinking about Mark Cuban’s philosophy for the last few years I’ve come to believe that in order to be successful in your work you need to have belief in, passion for, and a purposeful conviction in whatever you’re doing. If you have these elements you effectively have your Grind. One’s Grind could push them towards some positive goal, or even help avoid something negative. Regardless of what it is, your Grind will get you out of bed before your alarm clock to chase that one thing.
On a personal note I also think I’ve figured out what my Grind is. In order for this to make sense you need to know a little bit about my work background. For the first 17 years of my career I worked in Broadcast Radio. During most of that time I naively lived in my radio fishbowl, oblivious to what was occurring in the media universe just outside my door. Then in 2011 I made the leap across the digital divide, and I literally could have been a poster child for the phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know”. Once I started working for a digital publisher I quickly realized I hadn’t kept up with my industry. So I had to catch up fast and then stay current. That’s why I became obsessed with learning everything I could about digital media and be as well read as possible in my new industry. In all honesty, this driving obsession to be digitally fluent eventually led me to create this blog. I was reading so many trades every morning I thought why not teach myself WordPress and share what I’ve been learning? So I think that’s my Grind – to be as much of an expert and thought leader as I can in digital media. I believe this has helped me succeed in the current chapter of my career, and I hope it will keep me digitally sharp for years to come.
Do you agree with me? Do you think everyone needs a Grind as their driving force to succeed? If you do, have you figured out what your Grind is yet?