LESSONS FROM THE POLS: I’m a firm believer that many marketing innovations made during a political election cycle become commonly used by non-political marketers. The reason is simple – candidates have a drop dead urgency to completely win (or lose) on election day, so they pour resources into new technologies and data mining to come out on top at all costs. And often the results are so powerful that they become replicated as best practices for the broader industry. As an example look no further than Obama12’s pioneering of layered targeted, which became a common industry practice in the ensuing years. For insights into the current state of political advertising, and lessons which can be gleaned by other marketers, check out the following AdExchanger link. They say the best ideas are stolen . . . so feel free to stamp and repeat! http://adexchanger.com/politics/key-learnings-election-2016-treat-consumers-like-voters/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVdZeFpESTVOMk5oWTJaaiIsInQiOiJBZWxkZ2JZSTZUT2FWaTdrenlwVnBVWHpydHJyem90QXVnWnJ6ZzdUazhueWdRYUhzcnFnVjdCU1JGWUlrMGV5bkRvK1wvK05va1hwR2ZFN2JyYXpnem1nUlBoOTBJb2hCWjlHSmphQTZOYkE9In0%3D
IN-DASH SATISFACTION SCORES: I thought this one is kind of curious. JD Power is starting to rate the various in-dash streaming platforms on customer satisfaction. It’s sort of interesting to see the clumping at the top and then Amazon and Google a bit further down. I agree with the article’s author that JDP doesn’t quite have the methodology down on this yet – probably should also include the streaming from broadcasters (like iHeart) to get a complete picture of the ecosystem. It would also be useful to see the satisfaction scores by EOM – for example are Toyota owners more satisfied with their car’s streaming interface than GM, Nissan, etc.. I imagine this study will get tightened up over time. http://rainnews.com/j-d-power-tackles-customer-satisfaction-in-streaming/
Have a great Thursday guys!