KNOWING WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW: For years radio broadcasters have struggled with the dilemma of getting their reps versed in digital media. Teaching an experienced radio rep the nuances of digital has been compared to teaching a fish to ride a bicycle. J To shine a light on this challenge Borrell Research surveyed over 2,000 clients and agencies about their radio reps’ digital proficiency. The following Inside Radio article frames the results as a positive, with 22% of respondents saying their reps are Extremely or Very versed in digital. But I’m thinking this is actually a giant negative, with 67% of respondents saying their radio rep is Moderately or Slightly knowledgeable on digital. And what about the poor 11% of radio advertisers whose reps know nothing about digital?!? Not a great report card on a traditional industry that’s still struggling to find its digital footing. (link)
YouTube . . . Say Hello To Facebook: Finally today, Bloomberg has an article on the emergence of Facebook as a potential player in the on-demand music video space. This would be a direct assault on Google’s YouTube which has dominated the sector for 10 years. It’s well known that the music industry isn’t happy with YouTube’s licensing payment model, which is a basically a rev share on ads served when the artists’ videos play. The preferred method for artists and labels is the flat pay-for-play model which the music streamers generally abide by. Hence the opening for FB to cut more lucrative deals with the labels and quickly gain entry into the music video biz. How this plays out, and how YouTube reacts, will be interesting to watch. (link)
Have a great Tuesday guys!