DISRUPTION 101: Disruption. It’s a word everyone in marketing loves . . . is your product disrupting a stale industry, and are you disrupting business as usual in a stagnant organization? While many talk about the concept very few really commit to the act of disrupting. But every once in a while someone comes into a new role, like Diageo’s CMO James Thompson, who breaks the mold by challenging conventional wisdom and actually disrupts the status quo. In this example, Mr. Thompson’s banning of powerpoint decks within his org was a true game changer, because it forced Diageo executives to break out of their comfort zones and find new ways of communicating with one another. And if you think this wasn’t a break through move, try doing your next big presentation without your friendly pp deck. Makes you wonder what other work habits you can break to truly disrupt business as usual. (link)
MORE FB AD METRICS SHENANIGANS: This morning Facebook is dealing with blow back from yet another error in their self-reported ad metrics. As you’ll recall a few months back they were caught miscalculating the amount of time users spent with their videos by 60-70%. Now the problem is with their display metrics. Over the last year FB hasn’t accurately deduplicated visitors who make multiple visits – in other words if one person visits FB twice they may be counted as two visitors. Additionally, there’s been an overestimation of total time spent on FB by 7-8%. According to FB none of these miscalculations resulted in overbilling (of course not!), but it’s another example of problems that can occur when one of the industry’s largest “walled garden” publishers continues to self-measure, ask you to trust their numbers, and then bill you for it. The only positive part to this story is that I get to roll out my all-time favorite programmatic-themed cartoon one more time! (link)
POP QUIZ TIME: And finally, who’s ready for a pop quiz this morning?!? The good folks at Nielsen are showing off their Connected Car research chops in the form of a fun and (thankfully) short quiz. I scored a 75%, which I guess is a C in most schools. See how you do. In all seriousness, the more versed we all are on in-car digital technology the better prepared we’ll be to compete on tomorrow’s media battlefield. Enjoy! (link)
Have a great Thursday guys!